Newport 625-2 & Which Design Do You Prefer?

Title: Newport 625-2
Size: 20 x 20 inches
Medium: Watercolor and Acrylic
Artist: Linda Rothchild Ollis

Using interesting cast shadows has been a recent new
direction, which started this summer
with "Old Tug 10" (see June 30, 2014 post).

The first painting (see Nov. 28, 2014) using this subject
matter was painted using a horizontal band design.
Compare the horizontal band of color across the top of the
composition (the darker colored shape on the top of the image)
to the upside down "L" shaped composition above.

Sometimes my family members ask, "What do you mean
by an "L" shape? All we see is an orange cord on the side of
a fishing vessel, with the numbers 625".
I tell them, "If you squint you will see a dark sienna colored
shape on the left and top of the image.
Together these shapes form an upside down "L" that
frames the orange cord and the lightest part of the painting.
This is one of the ways an artist can direct the viewer's eye to
a specific part of the painting".

So which do you prefer, the horizontal band or the upside down L


Susan Greenbaum said…
I love the composition of the L and that is the only one i am seeing. what am i doing wrong? I do enjoy everything about this painting. It's a winner!
Ruth Armitage said…
Hi Linda,
You are really creating some stunning paintings from these images. I prefer the stronger contrast in direction with the loops of cord and shadow and the horizontal band design. Both are beautiful though!
I appreciate your input Susan and Ruth. Very helpful!
leah said…
Hi Linda,
From my non-painters eye, 625-2 is morning(warmer tone L and hose - bright and active), while 625 strikes me as early evening (more detail to discover, gentle on my eyes, relaxing). Both lovely really ~~
Thank you for your observations and personal response. It means a lot to me sis/cuz.