Looking Forward to 2013

With much gratitude, I am reviewing this year.

Included in my art friends are a unique group
that I don't often have the pleasure of meeting
face to face. You silently show your support
by finding my work online or at
The Rental Sales Gallery -Portland Art Museum
and are patrons of my work.
Thank you for your recent purchase of the following
Cherries 6Portland Curb, and Moment to Remember
as shown below:

I appreciate all of you who share my art world.
You share my enthusiasm for new techniques,
attend shows, promote art education and
speak a language that encourages creativity.
Thank you to all of my art friends who offer
the glowing light of inspiration.


Ruth Armitage said…
Congratulations to your new collectors, Linda! And thank you for continually sharing your light of inspiration. All the best in 2013!
Thanks Ruth. I like the latest on your blog from your class