Photoshop - Let the Creativity Flow

Pleasant Surprise 1
by Linda Rothchild Ollis
Digital Image

"Pleasant Surprise" is the title for the above abstract.
It is the result of my intuitive explorations in
Photoshop Elements. I did not have an outcome in
mind when I started playing with
"NW Coast 2011" (the painting from my last post) below:

How did "Pleasant Surprise
come from this? 

I started by using Filter > Adjustments > Invert, which changed
the color of "NW Coast 2011" to this:

This filter inverted the cool colors to warm colors, warm
colors to cool colors and the blacks to whites.

I used the Clone Stamp Tool to make the mass of light
colors larger and to cover some of the darkest blacks:

Filter > Distort >  Liquify were the steps for this:
Several parts of the above image appealed to me.
I decided to play with the one you see framed by the
black rectangle:
Image > Transform > Distort > Skew led me
to the image below:

Filter > Adjustments > Inverse
gave me the "pleasant surprise": 

I like the two final steps and
will consider using them as inspiration for
an abstract painting or as a background
design. Using Photoshop to explore
my creativity is often like working a
good crossword puzzle. Fun and a
workout for my brain!


I like the space and movement. I am surprised to its from photoshop. I thought its a painting.

Happy New Year!
I love this new piece. It's fascinating how you use technology to come up with something so organic.
Melody Cleary said…
Fun! I use Photoshop Elements, too, to zoom into photos I take to find interesting compositions - play with colors. I love the design you ended up with.
Thank you to LaVonne for the following comment:
Thank you Dyanne for the following comment;
Very Interesting! The process you used to achieve this painting is very creative! Dyanne