Robert Genn Workshop -En Plein Aire

En Plein Aire
12 x12 inches
Acrylic on Canvas

"Humble yourself by trying a new palette or technique",
Robert and Sara Genn said. It was quite humbling indeed,
just to paint outdoors.
It was a way to achieve a personal goal that I set, before
registering for this workshop. The immediate connection
with nature is why I continue to leave the comfort of my
studio and paint outdoors. Do I do this everyday? No.

I was in awe of the other workshop
painters, who painted under the blazing sun, everyday.
Grateful to escape the heat, I holed up in a small structure,
partially constructed of driftwood. It seemed to make the
"en plein aire" experience more enjoyable.


Blenda Tyvoll said…
What a beautiful painting, Linda! Looks like you had a wonderful adventure painting with the famous Robert{G as in go} Genn, you lucky duck!
Thank you Sarah and Lavonne for your comments:

This is so beautiful Linda.
I hope to see you next week in Sunriver!
love, Sarah

Thanks Linda for sharing. I enjoy his writing as well. Is it translating well to watercolor? LV