This One Needs a Title

This One Needs A Title
12" x 12" Acrylic on Cradleboard
The driving energy behind this painting is
the concept of giving. What do you think about
"Giving" or "Together" as a title?
I am open to suggestions. Your thoughts might
help inspire subject matter for the next in this series.
When I look back at my first entries in this blog,
in January of 2009, I started with the glass
as subject matter. Perhaps the titles I used then;
"Moment To Remember" fits this best?


Brent said…
Through a glass clearly
Hi Linda,

I like to think about what the story is behind the 2 people. Are they happy? sad? grieving? in love? breaking up? supportive?

If the title gives me too much info, it looses some mystery. How about "The Human Touch."
Oops--I think I entirely missed a present? I can not really make it out on my computer image.
leah said…
Hi Linda,
Hmmm, A Moment To Remember works for me. Here are a couple of others that come to mind when I view this piece: Caught in the Moment, Reflecting on a Moment, Moment 1 - Giving.
Love, Leah
Ruth Armitage said…
Hi Linda...
Gift of the present
Being present
Refelctive moment....?
xo ruth